Thursday, September 30, 2010

Performing Your Role 1

How will u know that you are not performing to your role?

At Management or Senior level making junior mistakes!

That's How!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Performing Your Role

How will u know that you are not performing to your role?

When you can't even deliver results expected at your level.

That's How!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Procrastination 1

How will u know that you actually procrastinate?

When you don't know what you really wanted but still acts like a smart Alec by simply saying something for the sake of saying something and denies or change your mind later.

That's How!

Monday, September 27, 2010


How will u know you actually Procrastinate?

You'll never know because you'd think your indecision is not under the same category of procrastination...

HWUK Reaction on FB

This is the kind of reaction I'm hoping to get on Twitter, Facebook or right here on Blogspot...Keep them coming...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Progress 1

How will u know that you've Not progressed or improved?

When you kept repeating the same mistakes & facing the same problems.

That's How!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


How will u know that you've Not progressed or improved?

When you use the same amount of time & effort doing something you've done before.

That's How!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Next Level

How will u know you are ready for the next level?

When you over deliver on tasks assigned to you every single time.

That's How!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Management Skill

How will u know your people's project management skill sucks?

When your so-called leadership management skills cannot manage your people's so-called management skill.

That's How!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stupid Excuses

How will u know you are just givin yourself some stupid excuses?

When the tiniest little ant in front of you, blocks you from moving forward.

That's How!


How will u know someone is demotivated?

When the tiniest little ant in front of them, blocks them from continuing their path.

That's How!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Appreciate Your Job

How will u know how to appreciate your job?

When it brings u to places, meet new friends & taste good food...ahhh...Life Is Wonderful!!!

That's How!

An Intro to ChunToiCracks2HWUK

Hi there!
You must've got the message either on Facebook, Twitter or my 1st blog from my selected group of recipient...kekeke...
Anyway, welcome to ChunToiCracks2HWUK!
Ahhh...the wonder of today's channel of communication and the significant of Social Network sites...
The posts on this blog are mostly inspired by the things I see, hear, touch, feel or observe...not necessarily something I'm going through at the moment or went through...but the inspirations are converted into something I called "How Will U Know?", a simple Q&A way to get the point across.
It's actually a compilation of my daily tweets on HWUK from Twitter & Facebook where some of you might missed if you are too busy to follow or log-on as new Tweets (On Twitter) and new posts (On Facebook) will replace the older ones.
It drives the same messages and have the same objectives as ChunToiCracks...Continuous Improvements.
The best way to capture the essense is applying the subject matter to your current emotion...from a different angle...for example...
How will u know that you are not performing to your role?
When you can't even deliver results expected at your level.
That's How!
What you should be doing next is to go through a self check mode in the most objective manner to assess whether you are preforming to your role? But most definitely NOT brushing it aside by telling yourself that it does not apply to you...
Then think about how you can meet those expectations.
This also mark another new begining for ChunToiCracks in finding new ways to promote that "Change In Mindset".
Matching to the essence of ChunToiCracks2HWUK...I'm keeping this short...Happy Reading...enjoy the ride...